Return, Reuse, Regenerate

Another life your your empties

At Generate Kind Co. we believe in generating a generation of eco-conscious living!

Our brand values sustainability through eco-friendly choices. We also recognize that sustainability goes beyond just recycling.


We use glass jars and bottles for our products, these are not only recyclable but re-usable. Return your product packaging to us so that we can de-label, wash, sanitize and give them another round or two!


When re-ordering your product from us, opt for a 'reorder small cap' so you can reuse your pump, serum, oil dropper, brush and spray mist tops. No need to wash our old one, just swap it over.

How to Return

If you live locally (Christchurch/Selwyn) all you need to do is contact us for a drop off address.

If you live further away, we suggest to start collecting up your jars and bottles and storing them in a safe place. Once you have a good stash collected up, with you next order leave a note or contact us and we will include a return bag in your order.

Extending the lifespan of our packaging reduces unnecessary waste in our landfills.

Kind to you, Kind to the plant.